I know that there hasn't been much happening here for quite some time. I'm not sure what I want to use this space for - or even if I want to continue using this space. It really isn't of any great importance to me if people are reading what I post here. I think we can all agree that blogs are really for the author in most cases. Maybe it would change for me if I suddenly became the Julie Powell of blogs(you know the one that's really famous right now for her cooking through Julia Child's Mastering the Art of French Cooking and then blogging about it - there's a movie out about it right now). I use her as an example because I just finished her book for my book club. Perhaps I would then worry about whether or not people are reading what I write but right now I don't. This space is for me. I have been ignoring it for quite some time. Does this mean I'm ignoring myself? Am I not asking myself the questions that are most important and challenging to me? Am I not exploring the thoughts floating around in my head?
Things have changed a bit for me in the last couple of weeks. I have a new job. I am no longer commuting to and from Salem - thank you God! I've been leaving my house at 7:30 and returning at 5:30! So great! BUT...I can tell you right now that this is the same unfulfilling job as the last and one that I'm sure is going to drive me crazy soon enough. I feel a lot like Julie Powell did when she started her journey of cooking her way through Julia Child's book in a year. She had a job she hated (temporary - like mine) and knew she did not want to spend her days working in a purposeless job. I, like Julie, want an adventure - even if it is a seemingly silly one like cooking your way through a cookbook. After reading her account, I certainly am not interested in cooking my way through French food for the next year. Yuck! I can't say marinating kidney's and calf brains is what I want to try at this point in my life. But maybe Julie Powell is on to something. Maybe I need to make this my space for an adventure - whatever that may be. Could it be something fun? Could it be something really important - like what I'm learning about human trafficking? Could I become the next voice for the abolishment of modern day slavery? Could I start posting ideas for a shop of home decor I've been throwing around in my head? Could I share my ideas about how I think we should be using our faith in the public square (that could cause a lot more hostility than I care to have)?
The possibilities are endless.