I miss blogging. There...I said it. I miss the days of being able to surf everyone's blogs and see what is going on in the lives of people I know (or don't know, for that matter). I feel totally out of the loop and completely uninspired on most days, with nothing to say about the world or what is going on in all of my blogger friends lives. I don't know what happened, where I suddenly had so much work to do in a day that I couldn't see what was happening in people's lives. Now, I just feel like a peeping blogger, a voyeur of sorts.
I don't know when this will change but I miss being plugged in to the blog world. I feel like I've lost all of my sense of humor and any type of insight I might have used to had. Now, I feel like a regular old person who can only have conversations in real life. What is happening to me?
Ok, now that I have said my peace, I am going back to work and doing things that regular people do. Boring.
Oh, and Merry Christmas.
i can cyrano your life for you...
just tell me what happened... i'll jazz it up for you, and you can post it.
done and done.
(also known as - we miss rebecca)
Thanks for the offer RM and thanks for the support Shanna. I really do want to keep up with everyone and I adore our clever friends on the blog, so what to do? In a perfect world, I could afford the internet at home and then I could be on whenever I felt something come on. I don't see this happening in my budget any time soon.
My advice is to just not work at all ever. Then you can blog, blog, blog to your heart's content. I mean, come on, it's not like you have a million worky things to do or anything!
I know how you feel. When I first got Blog Spot, I was writing coments left and right b/c I didn't work all the time and people were commenting. Then I got a job and everything came to a hault. And now, hardly anybody comments on my blog. I think I just write it to get it out of my head sometimes.
Paula...where's your blog?
I hate the fact that my job is boring and I have time to blog but the fact that things are normal and kind of boring means that I have nothing to write about!
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