Thursday, August 14, 2008


Well Kids, it's official! My last day at Cascade is Friday, August 22nd. I have accepted a position in financial aid at Chemeketa Community College in Salem. In all of the crazy transitions my plan is to commute for now. I'm sure once I start paying for gas I will get over it real quick and will find myself moving to Salem. Thankfully little Timmy and Kori live there and some friends of mine just moved to Keizer. So I have at least a small social circle there.

I'm excited about this new opportunity. I've been waiting patiently for the right thing for a couple of years now. I'm thankful that I didn't have to move to Texas to find a new opportunity. An hour's not so bad when you think about Texas. :)

I will miss many of the beautiful people I have worked with for the last 6 years and of course I will miss many of our students. It just won't be the same ever again!

I am going from working with 300 students to a place where they serve over 60,000 each year. Crazy! It's going to be a totally different experience but I'm so excited to have it!


Lindsey said...

Congratulations Rebecca! Blessings on this new transition -- I hope it brings you many new wonderful opportunities!

James T Wood said...

What, like you should have a real job or something?

Congratulations. You deserve this. Have fun in Salem.

Tim said...

Everyone is jealous of you because you get to live near me.

Kori said...

It will be good to be able to see you more often. We are certainly happy that a new opportunity has come along for you.

Rebecca said...

Thanks everyone! Tim & Kori - help me find a place to live! :)

Paula said...

Just wanted to let you know that I'm thinking about you on your last couple of days at the 'cade. I figured you were prolly too busy for a phone call, so a comment will have to suffice!

Love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rebecca said...

Thanks pal! I have a few things to do today - and by a few I mean a lot - in order to conclude my time here at Cascade. I'm sure there are things that I am forgetting. What can you do? Only the best I can...

Amy and Family said...

Becca ... I am so excited for you! I can't wait to hear all about it and how it goes. Change is good for the soul! I love you!