you could just spend your day in relationship with people, never having to worry about making money and doing stuff? I feel like my best work is in relationship with people. I just got done chatting on IM with a friend who met someone for lunch. The gal she met with is searching. She wants to understand her place, why she is here. She was raised Christian but she was never taught to look at God or the Word for herself and find her very own personal place with God. So, now, she is desperately trying to figure out where she fits. She is currently evaluating Buddhism. Basically my point is, we had to stop talking because we both have jobs to do (now I realize that I am actually now typing on my blog but I had to say something). I know that ministry can get draining emotionally and it is difficult. But really, I just wanted to keep talking to my dear friend about the stuff that matters in eternal perspective.
Off to write letters of denial for students who want to live off campus next year but don't qualify. All these students will know of me is that I didn't give them what they wanted and so I will always be a jerk to them. I promise that there are days that I love my job...I love my job on the days that I get to have really hard conversations with students who are struggling in their own faith, wondering, questioning and searching for their own place with their Creator, pushing me to explain my own reasons for why I believe. Those are the days I love my job.
i would be willing to bet my next paycheck that she wanted nothing more than to keep chatting with you, but how nice to have friends who, 1) you can talk about eternity with, and 2) have integrity in their jobs. too bad there aren't more people like that, eh?
too bad there aren't more people without "real" jobs is what's too bad.
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