Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Mullet Central

Since James is dying to know what happened at the concert, I thought I would give you a taste of what happened, though nothing I could say would bring you to that place. :)

I have never seen so many mullets in my life. Now, when I have gone to see Bon Jovi (twice) in concert, there are always some die hard fans

Image hosted by Photobucket.com   <img alt= that look the same as when Slippery When WetImage hosted by Photobucket.com

was released for the first time. But at this concert, I couldn't believe how many mullets I saw. There were gobs of "older women" holding on to what might have been in their youths. These women seemed to have no concept of how they have aged and how you don't still carry a can of Aqua Net with you in your purse, take it out, turn your hair upside down and start going to town with the hairspray. There were TIGHT tapered jeans, men who thought they were as hot now as they were in high school and thought they might actually have a shot at the hottie a few seats down. It was a an 80's rockfest reunion. What frightened me most were the young kiddos who had borrowed (or had their own) original tour tshirts at the concert that they were proudly displaying in the hopes that Bryan Adams or Def Leppard would catch a glimpse of them. I guess its better than them proudly regurgitating 50 Cent or Eminem. Although, there were some pretty provocative lyrics at this concert, too. I guess I sang at the top of my lungs "I'm hot, sticky sweet, from my head to my feet" and I turned out alright (some might disagree).

Overall, it was a fun concert. I think I enjoyed people watching far more than the actual concert. I think Rici died and went to love song heaven. She stayed down at the stage for the majority of Bryan Adams' performance. She did snap some good photos (we're just waiting to get copies so we can post them). He basically looks exactly the same but older. No one could understand a word that Def Leppard was saying when they would talk.

Anyway, there is a little taste of what we encountered at the Bryan Adams/Def Leppard concert. I know you are jealous.


James T Wood said...

Thanks. I am more jealous than words can say.

rebecca marie said...

i don't think def leppard understood their lyrics, either.

Rebecca said...

I knew you would be. I think you should grow your hair out, James, like the guy in the photo.

James T Wood said...

hmmmmmm, let me run that by the wife. I'll let you know how it turns out.

tabitha jane said...

mostly, i'd like to hear "summer if 69" live. . . that would rock.

Rebecca said...

Oh, it was good, Tabitha! It was a fun one for everyone to sing along with. I think the best part of that song was the late 30's/early 40's accountant-esque straight-laced man sitting in front of us doing everything he could to hold in his excitement, only to let out the secret by screaming out every once in a while while strumming his air guitar. Tell 'em Rebecca Marie. We wanted to lean over to him and tell him it was ok. We wouldn't think ill of him. It wasn't until we witnessed his wife feeding him ice cream (her mouth open in the "I'm feeding my baby" kind of way, you know what I'm talking about)that we realized she was the one holding him back. Poor boring grown up life. We know, who ever you are, that you are a rebellious rocker on the inside!

rebecca marie said...

it was basically awesome. we even got a fist in the air over "kids wanna rock." he may have pulled a muscle though, he did leave just in time for def leppard...

Rebecca said...

true true, they did disappear before the ol' leppards came out. I bet his wife was uncomfortable with the idea of being sticky sweet.

Tim said...

Are you sure they didn't go to the stage with their ice cream to become sticky sweet?