Friday, August 03, 2007

life updated

As the end of a very hectic work week quickly approaches I am sitting at my desk eating lunch thinking how to update my fearless readers on the happenings of my life.

I've not been sure of whether or not it was time for me to move on from my current employment situation for a year or so. I love what I do most days. I consider myself to be blessed to have found work that I'm excited about, enjoy doing it and think I'm pretty good at( I say all of this to say that I have good days and bad days at work like everyone). I recognize that not everyone is afforded this luxury. I know plenty of people who have to work jobs they don't enjoy but need to pay bills. I digress.

I've been uncertain of the direction to take my career development. This summer I applied for three different positions at three different universities, two in Seattle and one in Texas. After a long summer of uncertainty, I was offered a position at the university in Texas - just last week. They wanted me to be in Texas by next weekend. After time of weighing my options I decided that it was best for me to decline the offer at this time. I struggled with this decision because along with a great opportunity for work was an opportunity for grad school. I would have been able to get the degree in Student Affairs in Higher Ed at a greatly reduced price. So, it was hard to say no but I didn't feel like I could get myself to Texas at the time requested and I didn't feel like it would be very fair to my current employer to leave during this time of year (I'm in charge of our new student orientation program that begins in 2 weeks).

After a long, anxiety- filled summer, I am at peace with staying where I am for now. There are some really exciting possibilities here for me. I am going to pursue a graduate program - you can all pray that I get accepted to one and that I will find the funding to finance the education. I will update you when I know more about what my position may look like here. Today I'm officially changing my mood on the sidebar to peaceful.

On that note, I need to go back to work because it's crazy around here. Making housing assignments has not gone smoothly this year. AT ALL!


Unknown said...

It will be a sad day for Cascade when the time comes for you to move on. What a blessing it was when you arrived! Many memories... You do not know how glad I was that you were there!

Paula said...

I love you. Call me.

breanna said...

i'm selfish, and so it's easy for me to be glad that you're staying where you are for now.

and by "where you are" i mostly just mean portland-ish. because i'm rediscovering my adoration of you, and it would be bad timing for me if you left right now.

or ever if i'm being honest.

Tim said...

I love you Becca.