Tuesday, May 09, 2006

If this doesn't make you smile, you're dead inside.

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rebecca marie said...

oh man... aren't you just so glad they moved here and you can look at them whenever you want?

Rebecca said...

Yes, but I do a really bad job of seeing them whenever I want. They live in another country (or Beaverton).

rebecca marie said...

oh, right. there is that.

what is up with beaverton? and why is it that my friends in fairview are the exact number of miles away as my friends in beaverton, but beaverton just seems so... foreign?

Rebecca said...

Yes...it is so far away. I always feel uneasy about driving around over there. I guess it's because I never go over there.

Also, I don't think you look Asian.

Tim said...

Those kids are cute.

I think Beaverton seems so far away because it is the third level of hell.

Mike Lewis said...

I think people are scared of the cleanliness.

Rebecca said...

I think I don't know what to do because there isn't a tent community in your back yard, like I have. I know you're jealous.

We have friends in Fairview and it's clean and pristine (sp?) but we go there.

Tim said...

Maybe the cleanliness and ridiculous traffic.

rebecca marie said...

maybe that it's beaverton.


seriously, it's weird.