Thursday, March 31, 2005

One Thing I Learned In Venezuela

One of the biggest things I will take away from my time spent in Venezuela is the passion that the Christians have for the Lord and for those who aren't in relationship with Him. You see, about 99% of the population there believe in God, they just don't know how to worship Him. The Christians there say that their job is to teach people how to bring Christ into the daily workings of their lives. These people are on FIRE for God!!!

So, basically, these were the happiest people that I have ever met. They LOVE each other so much because Christ loves them. I was blown away by the love that they have for each other and so freely share. They aren't ashamed to say that they love each other, embrace and they have the greet one another with a holy kiss thing down! I have never had so many kisses on the cheek in my life. All from strangers!!!! The difference is that they don't see me as a stranger. I am a sister-in-Christ. It was amazing.

The lesson that I took away came in the way that I treat those around me on a daily basis and the way that I look at my God. If I truly believe in Christ and His words, I am called to love those around me more than I love myself. I think this is where their happiness comes from. They are SO selfless and generous. These people who have nothing have EVERYTHING! They have Christ who promises to meet every need that they have and they have their brothers and sisters, where they get support and encouragement. Like one of the students so eloquently stated, WE ARE THE ONES WHO ARE POOR BECAUSE WE DON'T GET IT. We look to things of the world to make us happy and we are not happy as a whole. They have truly put their hope in God. May I truly find my hope and my peace in Him who promises me these things.


James T Wood said...

Amen, preach it sister!

Tim said...

I hope we can translate the passion and love from Venezuela into our culture. Our entire economy and culture would be different if people were less into material and status and more into others. It sounds very much like a hippie, but I imagine Jesus would be ok with that.